X-Men: Apocalypse Review

This is one of the most awesome and inconsistent movies I have ever seen.
I really can't describe the crazed comic book fever dreams this film came from. I mean, I guess Bryan Singer had a lot to top after the last film, ya know, one of the best comic book films ever made? Days of Future Past?
I mean, it's an enormous amount of pressure. I wonder what he was thinking when he helped conceive this. Let's set the scene. The franchise is revitalized (mostly thanks to Matthew Vaughn, to be honest) and we could go anywhere from here. X-men has officially been rebooted and we're back to square one. What shall we do? Hmmm... how about the most insane, epic, dumbest movie ever?
You start with a slow character-building scene, that sets up Apocalypse. You know, I really don't understand the hate behind his look, I understand he could look better and more badass, like he does in the comics. But I think he looks fine. It's not Halle Berry Catwoman or anything. It's also not particularly cool-looking either. But anyway, it's a slow climb, we get the dude's powers, we understand he was hated, looked at like a God, then got buried and "frozen" for many years.
Then after, we meet the beginnings of the mutants we all know and love. And I really like 'em. I find myself liking Cyclops a lot. But, I did have a problem with how some mutants are developed and used (which has been a huge problem in the X-Men series in general). Mystique kind of just abandoned her whole "I'm beautiful in my blue skin" thing because Jennifer Lawrence won't do full body makeup anymore. Angel has a particularly plain arc. Which ends kind of abruptly and is seem to only have the purpose of fighting Nightcrawler. Same with Psylocke. She really never does anything besides offer help to Apocalypse. I feel like she was kind of wasted in the tornado this film ends up becoming.
If you notice, this film has VERY NOTICEABLE JARRING SHIFTS IN TONE. You go from the young Mutants going around town being teens, then you have an incredibly bleak, but well done Magneto story going on too, which could've been it's own movie. Then you have the most apparent one. When you have death and destruction everywhere, Apocalypse is making his presence known to Earth, everyone is dying.... then you have the most fucking awesome Quicksilver scene crammed in. See, normally I would hate this, but I kind of got a weird kick from it. I really enjoyed the scene, but I was mostly laughing from how out of place this was, but weirdly, I liked it because it was a nice stop "to smell the roses" and I realized, 'hey, X-Men can be fun too'.
I would go in detail on the plot a bit more, but I honestly do not get it at times. It's very vague on what Apocalypse actually wants, which I assume he wants to rid the world of humans? And he tries to accomplish this by getting together his "Four Horsemen", which is comprised of... mutants that Apocalypse happened to run into. With this, he tries to obtain control of Xavier, and here we get the FUCKING AWESOME AND INSANE climax. Which throws literally every mutant they can at Apocalypse. We get a Dark Phoenix tease, then we return to normal, Xavier and Magneto are all "ah good times eh?", and now things are pretty much normal again. Well, except of all the plot threads left up in the air, but you know, sequels.
Sigh. This is probably the most flawed and equally entertaining film of the year. I loved it despite everything wrong with it. I love it ironically AND unironically, which is very hard to explain, but it's something meant to be seen. I would almost call it a guilty pleasure. It's the ultimate blur of epicness and pure schlock, and boy I enjoy it making fun/genuinely liking it.

