17 by XXXtentacion Review

Sad edgy person makes album about being sad.

 XXXTentacion is a Flordian hip hop artist from the grand site of SoundCloud. He's often known for his very abrasive and loud music, his "depression aesthetic" (such an ugly phrase), and for his cringy XXL Cypher, and Interview. He's also one the most controversial hip hop artists to come in the past few months. 
First, it was his abuse allegations, then it was the Drake beef, now it's just literally his image in general. Every single one of his concerts came with news of injury, violence, and eventually had to stop his tour due to all the injuries. 
It was at this time I was introduced to his music, through his break out single "LOOK AT ME!". It's not that bad of a single, honestly. Sure, it's basically a SoundCloud song, with his mugshot on the cover. The production was dark and lo-fi (and unmixed), it fit over XXX's raw and "disturbing" lyrics. It really reminded me of when Odd Future was trying super hard to be offensive and edgy, which was also the worst aspect of Odd Future, and the same rule applies here. However, it also gave me some Death Grips vibes as well. I figured, maybe this kid has some good potential. Looking at his SoundCloud, he has grasps of other genres besides hip hop, and his attempts to blend them are in the very least interesting. So, I decided to go into this album with an open mind. 

By which, I am greeted with a very interesting opener, "The Explanation". In which XXX sort of explains why this is called 17, and says "if you are not willing to accept my emotion, and hear my words fully, do not listen. I do not value your money, I value your acceptance, and loyalty." Then goes to say, he hopes this album will cure your depression, or at least numb it.

I'm sorry if you're reading this, but this album is kind of awful.

Admittedly, my first listen of this album went by far better. But with each listen, the flaws came up more and more, now I can't even listen to the first track without yelling "NO".

There is one decent song on this album. I would've just walked away if it didn't start with "Jocelyn Flores". I really like the spacey slow beat on here. Plus the sample gives it a sad tone. XXX raps as if he's two seconds from crying. It cements his depression, especially on this album. However, you might notice he does this a lot.
I like the chorus melody on "Depression & Obsession", the production on Revenge is good, and the song "Carry On" is meh. It's basically diet "Jocelyn Flores" to me.
Literally every other track I pretty much have something against.
It demands the listener to know what depression feels like, but it accomplishes this in it's first track. I am very much made aware that he's going through a lot of problems. And that's unfortunate, but just that alone doesn't translate into this album well. It just feels like all he's doing is giving you reminders of depression rather than giving you something to escape into. The lyrics of heartbreak, death, and misery just don't offer anything new or say something profound. It doesn't even need to uplifting, it could just be hopeless, grim, or even cleverly dark.
"Depression & Obsession" has a decent hook, but after that it feels like a try hard emo guy experimenting on a Facebook livestream. Most of this album feels like a compilation of first draft poems and music that reminds me of "saddest songs ever" top 10 videos. 
I even liked "Revenge" right up until he started singing. Earlier in the album I could appreciate it, because it had some passion to it. But after the first couple tracks, he sounds totally dull. Maybe to make it seem like he's depressed as he sang that track? All that really does is make me feel apathetic to the performance and song in general.
There are little good moments sprinkled, but it's in an album that's mostly gaudy, slapped together, and ultimately fails at what it's trying to go for. It doesn't even feel fully fleshed out, like at all.

Look, let me get a little personal on ya. I suffer from depression as well. I know of the feeling XXXtentacion is trying to present. But, he doesn't try to manifest his depression into music, he uses it as an aesthetic, and quite frankly, that's the absolute worst thing about this album. It makes me believe it actually LOVES depression because it's the one thing that makes him interesting.

XXXtentacion did not win me over at all, in fact I have a newfound dislike of pretty much everything about him. He's not a good role model, he's doesn't have a good catalog, his history of violence and abuse is troubling and downright fucked up if true.

Yeah, This album sucks. I fully understood and took in everything you gave me, XXX (not calling you X because that would be a disservice to DMX) and frankly, this would be the last album I would ever recommend to someone going through depression.



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